They Wish. We Ride.
Join us for the most inspiring weekend of the year!

300-Mile Route

The Wish-A-Mile Bicycle Tour is called a ‘moving city’ for its sheer scope and size. Rookie and veteran riders cycle along Michigan countryside during the three-day, 300-mile fully supported tour from Friday, July 26 through Sunday, July 28. The event starts and ends in Marshall, Michigan. The tour includes fully catered meals, break stops, support vehicles, medics, massage therapists and much more! Our Wish Heroes, who are wish recipients, will be there to inspire and motivate you throughout the tour and will meet you at the finish-line celebration, Heroes Hurrah!

Registration fees:
Now through July 24: $125

​A $1,250 fundraising amount is required in order to participate in the 300-mile route.


200-Mile Route

The Wish-A-Mile Bicycle Tour offers a two-day, 200-mile ride. There are two route options; you can register to ride Friday, July 26 & Saturday, July 27 (the first two days of the tour) or Saturday, July 27 & Sunday, July 28 (the last two days of the tour). The 200-mile ride includes support vehicles, break stops, lunch stops, medics, massage therapists and much more. Our Wish Heroes, who are wish recipients, will meet you at the finish-line celebration, Heroes Hurrah!

Registration fees:
Now through July 24: $100

A $1,000 fundraising amount is required in order participate in the 200-mile route.


100-Mile Route

The Wish-A-Mile Bicycle Tour offers a one-day, 100-mile ride. There are three route options; you can register to ride any one of the three days of the tour (July 26, July 27 or July 28). The 100-mile ride includes support vehicles, break stops, lunch stop, medics, massage therapists and much more. Our Wish Heroes, who are wish recipients, will meet you at the finish-line celebration, Heroes Hurrah!

​Registration fees:
Now through July 24: $75

​A $750 fundraising amount is required in order to participate in the 100-mile route.


Virtual Rider

The Wish-A-Mile Bicycle Tour also offers a virtual option for anyone who can't participate with us July 26-28, 2024. As a virtual participant, you can ride on your own time and at your own pace. Make-A-Wish staff will help with fundraising tools and training tips.

Registration fee:
Now through July 24: $20
*To help cover shipping fees and other administrative fees.

​A suggested $500 fundraising goal is encouraged, but there is no required fundraising amount to participate as a virtual rider.